
IACBE《卓越商科教育期刊》 | Journal For Advancing Business Education (JABE)


更新日期/Updated on: Sep. 5, 2022  


关于此刊/About the Journal

IACBE《卓越商科教育期刊》(ISSN 2638-8065)旨在出版商科教育领域优秀办学实践与教学成果,助力IACBE(国际商科教育认证委员会)“共同卓越”的理念。该期刊为同行评审制的线上期刊,所有投稿都将由期刊编辑部组织双盲审查。


The mission of the Journal for Advancing Business Education is to publish best practices and scholarship in business and business-related fields to improve business education and society.  

The Journal for Advancing Business Education is a peer-reviewed journal and has the ISSN 2638-8065. The Journal follows the general IACBE theme of "Moving. Forward. Together." All submissions are subject to a double-blind review process. The Journal is an online journal and accessible on the IACBE Web page. The Journal for Advancing Business Education is an annual publication. To be considered for publication in the next edition of the Journal, please submit your work (guidelines below) through the Scholastica paper submission system. If you have any questions regarding the Journal or manuscript submissions, please contact the managing editor, Dr. Christian Gilde at publications@iacbe.org


往期期刊下载/View Published Journals

Volume 1 Issue 1.pdf

Volume 1 Issue 2.pdf

Volume 2 Issue 1.pdf

Volume 2 Issue 2.pdf

Volume 3 Issue 1.pdf






投稿论文格式要求/General Submission Guidelines

Prepare submissions according to the current edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.

General submission guidelines are as follows:

- Author details on the cover page (name, position, institution, address, e-mail)
- An abstract of no more than 100 words
- Maximum 20 pages (shorter papers will be accepted for review)
- Manuscripts have to be written in English
- Manuscript files have to be in Microsoft Word
- Single-spaced
- Font 12 point Times New Roman
- Page size 8.5” x 11” or A4

Manuscripts for review must be submitted through the Scholastica submission platform. The following is the link to Scholastica: https://jabe.scholasticahq.com/. Only manuscripts submitted through Scholastica will be considered for review. Manuscripts submitted to the Journal should not be under review at any other journal and should not have been previously published.

Manuscripts, that have been submitted according to the submission guidelines, will be first reviewed by the managing editor and associate editors for their publication potential. Manuscripts that pass this initial review process will be double-blind peer reviewed. Assessment and feedback from the peer reviewers will be used to make a publication decision about the manuscript. Once a manuscript has been accepted for publication, the copyright for this manuscript will transfer to IACBE.


致有意投稿教职工的信/Call for Papers
Dear IACBE Member,

We would like to draw your attention to the opportunity to submit an article to the Journal for Advancing Business Education for peer review and possible publication. We are now accepting manuscripts for the next issue of the Journal for Advancing Business Education. When you publish in the Journal, you will enjoy:

- A constructive peer review of your work.
- Exposure of your work to a global audience.
- The opportunity to share your expertise with people in your discipline.
- The option for open access publication which provides maximum visibility for your work.
- Free access to the journal content and a discounted registration for the next annual conference (if your manuscript is accepted for publication)

The deadline for article submission for the next journal issue will be late fall. Please follow the “manuscript submission guidelines” which can be found on the Scholastic publishing Web page or on the IACBE journal Web page.

If you are looking to be involved in other ways with the Journal, we are always looking for peer reviewers for journal submissions.