All academic schools and administrative departments,
As the pandemic has spread to many countries and confirmed cases are increasing all over the world, control of imported cases is now crucial. In accordance with the instructions and requirements from the Chinese government, the Guangdong Provincial Prevention and Control Command and the Department of Education of Guangdong Province regarding the control of imported cases, the university’s COVID-19 Prevention and Control Leading Group has convened a meeting on March 15 and announced the notice of reinforcing prevention and control measures for students and faculty members outside mainland China as the following:
1. 遵照广东省教育厅的指导意见和要求,对目前在国(境)外访学或读博的教师、参加各类国际合作项目的师生、外籍教师、国际学生、港澳台籍学生,及因各类私人原因滞留在国(境)外的学生与教职员工,请各二级学院及机关部门多加正面引导,协助在外师生加强自我防护,引导其从自身安全和健康考虑,按照世界卫生组织的专业意见减少流动,尽可能稳在当地确保安全。同时请在外人员务必与我国驻当地使领馆保持密切联系。
In accordance with the guidelines and requirements from the Department of Education of Guangdong Province, all students and faculty members outside mainland China, including the faculty members on academic visits or PhD programs, those participating in international cooperation programs, foreign teachers, international students, Hong Kong/ Macau/ Taiwan area students, and those outside mainland China at present due to personal reasons shall take positive directions from their academic schools and administrative departments, avoid trans-border flow as the WHO suggests, stay in current residence and take self-protection to ensure safety. Meanwhile close contact with the Chinese embassy/ consulate in the country at their current stay is requested.
2. 根据上述指导意见和要求,对于在国(境)外拟申请回国的师生,各二级学院及机关部门应尽可能劝其留在原地,不要进行国际流动,并在当地做好个人防护工作,密切保持与学校及我国驻当地使领馆的联系。
As the above guidelines request, if student/ faculty member outside mainland China applies for returning to China, their academic school and administrative departments shall persuade themselves to stay at current residence, avoid trans-border flow and take self-protection. Meanwhile close contact with the university as well as the Chinese embassy/ consulate in the country at their current stay is requested.
3. 若师生因违反学校相关规定而造成的一切后果,由该师生本人自行负责和承担。同时,师生需严格执行政府部门的疫情防控相关规定和措施,包括入境口岸所在地疫情防控指挥部发布的有关来粤旅客管控、隔离等措施,及向师生国内居住地所在基层政府部门(如居委会、派出所等)提前报备、采取主动居家或集中隔离等措施。
The student/ faculty member themselves shall bear all responsibilities and possible consequences for their breach of the university’s instructions. Meanwhile, the student/ faculty member shall strictly implement the prevention and control requirements and measures announced by the government and related departments, including the control and quarantine for travelers arriving in Guangzhou required by the Prevention and Control Command at the port of entry, as well as the report before return and quarantine at home or in designated area required by the grass-root government departments where the residence in mainland China is located (such as the neighborhood committees, the police stations, etc.).
In order to effectively control the imported cases of the pandemic and to make every effort to eliminate potential risks and hidden dangers, all academic schools and administrative departments shall promptly follow up the status quo of the students and faculty members outside mainland China and convey the above instructions. All joint efforts are requested to ensure the safety and health of all students and faculty members of the university.
Human Resources Office
International Office
March 16, 2020