发布时间:2020-02-13   浏览次数:246



  1. 疫情防控期间,全体教职员工严格做好自身防护,外出戴口罩、勤洗手、常清洁、多运动、少外出、不串门、不扎堆、不聚餐,如有不适及时就近就医。

  2. 严格按照属地管理要求,目前在广州市外的教职员工需配合当地政府做好自身防控措施,密切关注当地政府防控指引,不信谣、不传谣。

  3. 现仍滞留重点疫区的教职员工,在解除一级应急响应前一律不得返穗。解除一级应急响后,需要返穗者,必须经学校应急处置领导小组批准方可返穗。

  4. 重点疫区的教职员工已返穗者或近期与重点疫区人员接触者,必须接受严格居家或集中隔离健康观察14天,观察期间一律不得外出。

  5. 其它地区返穗教职员工,必须征得学校应急处置领导小组同意后方可返穗,抵穗当天及时向所在单位及居(村)委报告。

  6. 对未征得学校应急处置领导小组同意私自返穗返校者,对瞒报、迟报、拒绝接受居家或集中隔离健康观察者,造成疫情传播的,学校依法依规严肃追究责任。

  7. 防控疫情期间严格执行校园封闭管理,要求全体教职员工遵守规定、服从管理,坚决隔绝疫情传播,在3月23日前不要返校。

  8. 根据《广州市防控新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情工作指挥部办公室关于加强湖北新抵穗人员健康服务管理工作的通知(穗防控办〔2020〕21号)》,所有湖北新抵穗人员,一律实施集中隔离健康观察。居家或集中隔离健康观察人员在隔离期间一律不得外出,14天后无症状方可解除观察,如出现发热、咳嗽等相关症状的,按有关工作指引处置。对拒绝接受隔离健康观察,造成疫情传播的,依法追究责任。

  9. 校内各单位干部要提高政治站位,做到守土有责、守土担责、守土尽责,责任到岗、任务到人,坚决贯彻落实党和国家、省市疫情防控要求,严格按照通知要求做好各项疫情防控工作,坚定信心、振奋精神,全力抗击新冠肺炎疫情,保障师生健康安全。




February 13, 2020 (Translated for reference)

Dear all faculty members:

With the safety and health of all faculty members and students as the priority, according to the requirements from related authorities and the university as well as the laws concerning the epidemic, please note the following kind reminders regarding the prevention and control of the NCP outbreak:

  1. Please take self-protection measures: 1) wear face masks while outdoors; 2) wash your hands often; 3) avoid outdoor activities and take some exercise; 4) avoid gatherings, visits and dinners to relatives, and friends; 5) seek medical attention at nearby hospitals in a timely manner in case of suspicious symptoms.

  2. Please cooperate with local governments to take self-protection and follow the prevention and control directions. Please do not trust or spread any misleading information.

  3. For the faculties in the key affected areas, please do not travel back to Guangzhou until the first-level public health emergency response is cleared. After the clearing, faculties shall ask for permission from the university’s emergency leading organization before traveling back to Guangzhou.

  4. Faculties who have travelled back to Guangzhou from key affected areas or contacted with people from key affected areas are required to place themselves under medical observation at home or in concentrating areas for 14 days. Outdoor visits or activities are not allowed during the medical observation.

  5. Faculties travelling back to Guangzhou from elsewhere (except key affected areas) should ask for permission from the university’s emergency leading organization before traveling back to Guangzhou and report to their academic school / department and neighborhood committee upon arrival.

  6. Should faculties travel back to Guangzhou without permission from the university’s emergency leading organization, conceal or delay the report, or refuse to be under medical observation which causes epidemic spread, they will take penalties in accordance with laws and regulations.

  7. The campus remains closed for cautious management. All faculties are required to observe the regulations and stop the epidemic spread by prevention and control measures. Please do not come back to the campus before March 23.

  8. According to the requirements of Guangzhou Government, from February 13 on, people who have travelled back from Hubei Province are required to be concentrated for medical observation in designated areas. Outdoor visits or activities are not allowed during the 14-days medical observation even no symptoms of NCP are shown.

Thank you for your understanding and support! 

Guangzhou College of South China University of Technology