IACBE亚洲区 | IACBE Asian Region  


In order to advance its mission and goals, the IACBE has established Regional Assemblies that are regional associations of the academic business unit members of the IACBE. 

IACBE亚洲区成员院校31所(截至2021年12月),主要分布在印度、中国、菲律宾、泰国、越南、黎巴嫩、阿富汗、阿联酋、印度尼西亚、土耳其等国家。IACBE亚洲区委员会由主席、副主席和财务官(兼秘书)组成,自2019年4月起IACBE亚洲区主席为黎巴嫩美国科技大学商学院院长Dr. Robert Gharios,副主席为中国广州城市理工学院曾志新教授,财务官兼秘书为菲律宾圣天使大学管理系副教授Cristina G. Naguit。 

There are 31 memeber institutions in the IACBE Asian Region (as of December 2021), in India, China, the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Lebanon, Afganistan, UAE, Indoneisa, Turkey, etc. Since April 2019, the members of the IACBE Asian Regional Assembly include:

主席(中):黎巴嫩美国科技大学商学与经济学院院长Robert Gharios博士

President: Dr. Robert Gharios (Dean of Faculty of Business & Economics, American University of Science and Technology, Lebanon)


Vice-President: Prof. Zhixin Zeng (Distinguised Professor & fmr. Executive VP of Guangzhou City University of Technology, China)

财务官兼秘书(右一):菲律宾圣天使大学商学与会计学院Christina Naguit副教授

Treasury & Secretary: Ma. Christina Naguit (Program Chairperson & Asso. Prof. of Department of Management, School of Business & Accountancy, Holy Angel University, the Philippines)




As of December 2021, there are 4 IACBE member institutions in China:  

· 广州城市理工学院:正式会员(2018年7月获得)、中国第一所IACBE认证大学

   Guangzhou City University of Technology: accredited member (July 2018)

· 陕西工商管理硕士学院:候选人资格(2021年1月获得)

   Shaanxi Master of Business Administration Institute: Candidate for Accreditation (January 2021)

· 西南财经大学天府学院:教育会员

   Tianfu College of Southwestern University of Finance and Economics: Educational Member

· 东莞城市学院:教育会员

   Dongguan City University: Educational Member



As of December 2021, there are 31 IACBE member institutions in the Asian Region: 



· 2020年IACBE亚洲区会议 | 2020 IACBE Asian Regional Conference

会议时间/TIME:      2020年11月5日/ November 5, 2020

会议形式/FORM:      ZOOM线上会议/ ZOOM online conference

会议主题/THEME:     大数据技术在商科教育中的应用与发展/ The Application and Development of Big Data Technology in Business Education

承办单位/ORGANISER:  中国广州城市理工学院/Guangzhou City University of Technology, China  

会议详情/MORE INFO:  点击这里

· 2019年IACBE亚欧区会议 | 2019 IACBE Asian-European Regional Conference

会议时间/TIME:     2019年10月10-11日/ October 10-11, 2021

会议地点/PLACE:     黎巴嫩贝鲁特/ Beirut, Lebanon

会议主题/THEME:     如何运用有趣的手段、提高90后、00后的课堂兴趣/ Overcoming the classroom challenges of the millennials and generation Z for a Better and Appealing Approach

承办单位/ORGANISER: 黎巴嫩贝鲁特美国科技大学/ American University of Science and Technology, Lebanon
